About the company
DKC Company was founded in August 1998. Nowadays it is one of the largest producers of cable support systems and low-voltage equipment in Russia and in Europe.
DKC carries out the mission of ensuring a global electrical engineering marker with high-quality products.
DKC provides first-class products to the global market so the Company uses foreign equipment and the best raw materials and has high-quality staff.
Many products are made by DKC as parts of innovation programs for the in the electro-technical market.
DKC got a lot of patents because it has been researching new raw materials and developing new products.
9 groups of production
Company increases the number of offices, contracts out with new distributors, ships products to Latin America, Central Africa, makes plans to deal with business partners from Near East and Southeast Asia.
DKC regional representative offices were opened in the Russian largest cities, CIS countries and European countries.
Company policy helps to ensure the electrical market for DKC products and control prices.
with distributors from Russia and the CIS.
to either distribution warehouse.
Mandatory certification of quality management system for conformity to international quality standard ISO 9001.

DKC takes part in "The honest position" association and agrees with "Anti-corruption charter".
To take part in workers lives and in the electro-technical industry is needed to the dynamic development of the Company.